Sunday, 10 May 2015



The sound of the metal being dragged on the floor made Prakash’s insides churn. Of all the sounds existing in the universe, this one topped his list of loathing. He covered his ears, that didn’t muffle the sound entirely which continued at this unearthly hour. Wasn’t the entire evening of crackers bursting everywhere enough already? Why was someone dragging a metallic object in the middle of the night, that too in such a close proximity? People couldn’t simply live or let live in peace. They had to evoke your wildest side, they had to irritate you to the point you lost your cool. The sound stopped. He breathed a sigh of relief. After a short pause the rhythmic sound restarted and this time with an added urgency to it. He looked around, it was dark. He was sure he was alone; he considered rebuking the person doing this or just letting it go. The shrill piercing noise made him angry; he walked in the direction of the sound. He witnessed a shaggy man walking in staggering manner, dragging a metallic instrument along the length of the floor.  The first thought that crossed Prakash’s mind was that may be he was hallucinating or maybe he was a ghost. The idea made him giggle. The guy’s clothes were strewn, dirty, he emitted a strong pungent smell. Prakash called out to him “Hey, will you please stop doing this? Hey you. I am speaking to you. Can’t you hear, you moron?”

With every syllable his voice climbed a notch higher. He ran to the man, who was squinting his eyes and turning in his direction, finally facing him, gave him a jerk while screaming into his ears.




Mrinal was going to quit tonight, unofficially, without any notice. He had had enough of this mindless brainless meaningless job which rather than letting him grow shrunk every succeeding day. His manager was an ass, his colleagues were rowdies who kept bullying him and drove him to the point of losing his sanity. He hadn’t gone home since almost 4 days. He needed the extra cash to fulfil the Diwali needs of his family; he worked his own overtime as well as his colleagues’s who promised their pay to him along with some extra. Today those cheats laughed on his face when he demanded them his share. He understood he had been outright fooled. He had been stupid to have trusted them. His rage drove him to this point. He had hidden in the mechanic room till the last of the employees left. He had picked up the heaviest machinery he could manage to carry; he was headed to the lift. He would drop it from the topmost level to the ground floor, inflicting the maximum possible damage to the machinery unit. He knew his plan was stupid, but this was all his throbbing mind could think of. Suddenly he felt wind whoosh behind him. He felt like he was being followed. He looked around, didn’t see anyone, continued walking. Just then a high pitched shrill made his eardrums almost bleed. He closed his eyes and covered his ears. Suddenly the temperature dropped to a freezing state. He knew something or someone was playing games with him. He turned around and finally pinpointed the source of all commotion.



Employee dies a Mysterious death.

In suspicious circumstances a fatigued overworked employee dies a mysterious death. He was discovered lying on the floor with his pupils dilated and body frozen. He died of panic and cardiac arrest. Investigations are on to what caused this unexplainable death. The sole clue discovered from the site is the oddly twisted heavy machinery equipment lying nearby which weighed around half a ton. The industry was closed down for Diwali and the manager claims there are no eye witnesses as the entire workforce was celebrating the eve of Diwali. Mrinal, 34, leaves behind a wife, two kids, his mother who were dependent on him financially.

Read the next days’ paper…….

 ~* THE END *~


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